The Places that Scare Us
I have been on a journey for the last year. I should say that I am always on a journey, but the last year has been a intentional one of...

Practicing for Peace
We all want peace. We want freedom from worry, anxiety, fear, and anger. We want to be free to decide our own fate, determine our own...

Is it a Snake or a Stick?
Many times we see things and experience things that cause us great anxiety and fear. Many times there is no reason for that anxiety and...

Overcome Worry
We all worry. We all get out ahead of ourselves in an attempt to make sure we will somehow be able to avoid some tradegy or event that...

We have all heard the term mindfulness by now. If you haven’t I give you a bit of an explanation. All it means is being present in this...

Understanding and Validation
What do we all want? We all want to be understood. We want people to see the world from our point of view. We want others to validate...

Men and Emotions
Emotions. You know those things that only women have and if you are a man and have them then you must be weak, girly, or to “touchy...