The Serenity Center, Inc.
Here's a little general background about me you may find useful.
I've been in the business of helping people achieve personal growth since 1992, and I'm ready to help you live as your best expert. I'm located just south of I-20 in Douglasville on Chapel Hill Road.
I provide counseling to adults, and I work effectively with both individuals and couples. I'm active, perceptive and engaging in sessions. You and I work together and explore and resolve issues as quickly and helpful as we can. I
I'm experienced with different counseling approaches so we do not have to stick to any one approach if we work together. What works well for one person may not work well with another. You'll find that no matter what type of work we are doing, I will be attentive to how you think, feel and act in order to help you learn and understand strategies that will make you more of an expert in the way you life your life.
My ex
Communication and Intimacy for Couples: A Psychological and Sociological Handbook
March 24, 2017
Unity North Church
4255 Sandy Plains Road
Marietta, GA. 30066
Cost $95.00
This workshop is for those therapists who work with clients whose relationships and marriages have trouble with communication and intimacy. This program is designed to help therapist by giving them practical tools they can use with clients in session to promote communication and emotional intimacy. The topics will include what makes communication so important to a relationship, what makes that communication so difficult for couples, and the reasons, both psychologically and sociologically, that men and women can have such a difficult time with intimacy and communication. As clinicians we need to understand the reasons for miscommunication, how men and women see intimacy differently and how sociology and psychology can work together to help both clinicians and their clients effectively solve these issues. Everyone will walk away with practical tools they can use with couples everyday!
1) Psychotherapist will be given practical exercises they can use in sessions to help couples communicate better and have fulfilling intimacy. Listening exercises, how to manage frustrations, and understanding each other.
2) Psychotherapist will be educated about the difficulties with communication and intimacy between men and women and how do help couples deal with the problem of intimacy.
3) Psychotherapist will learn about not only psychological reasons for communication and intimacy problems, but also sociological reasons that will help them educate their clients about reasons for miscommunication and how to be better at it.
4) Therapist will understand the importance of psychological and sociological integration helping clients grow in their relationship.
You can register by clicking the PayPal link below or you can send an email to clintpayne@comcast.net and you will receive an email you can by securely online.
Cost is $95.00